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Lincolnshire Mud & Stud

I only came across this method of construction quite recently. It is somewhere between timber framing and cob building. A timber frame is constructed with vertical laths nailed to the frame of the walls. These support a clay daub wall, which can be thinner than the cob walls of the West Country which are much thicker having to support the weight of the roof.

There is an excellent book by the late Rodney Cousins called “Lincolnshire Buildings in the Mud and Stud Tradition” which describes the method in detail with a gazetteer of surviving buildings. There is also a video on YouTube showing the construction of a new-build “wedding barn” which is well worth viewing.

I managed to visit three mud & stud barns during a recent visit to Lincolnshire. The first was a fairly small barn or byre which EMESS (the East Midlands Earth Structures Society) is helping to restore.